Sunday, November 27, 2011

Context Essay Submitted!

Phew. I don't know where to start.
Well, context essay. Basically a dissertation. We had our hand in on Tuesday.
My essay was about collaboration and I've illustrated the points that I was making in the essay in forms of diagrams and simple illustrations. The spreads of my essay look like this:

One of the points that I brought up in my essay was about the importance of audience participation. Web 2.0-like idea of importance in acknowledging people not as passive receivers of information but active figures who are willing to be involved. My essay is designed in a way that it has a lot of white spaces around the writing. This allows people to be reading with a pen making notes or adding more ideas and references. I wanted to question the way when designers design books, they treat it as 'giving information', rather than allowing people to interact within the book format. This was my attempt to experiment with such idea.
Also, I've asked 5 people from different disciplines to read my essay, which was very intimidating but the result fascinated me. They made notes in the book, demonstrating how the book can be used. They started new discussion from the things that I wrote about, provided different perspectives to my arguments.

I think there is still a room for the design of the book itself to be developed further. Questioning what would make it more inviting for readers to feel comfortable to be making notes on the pages. I would like to develop this idea and this may be something that I would like to continue in my self-directed project.




Scanned result with people's annotations: