Monday, July 23, 2012

Blue Valentine

I enjoyed watching Blue Valentine a lot and I ended up watching all the DVD extras.
The director has a documentary background and the film is realistic to details, which separates itself from cheesy love romances. Also, superb acting from Gosling and Williams. In order to get into the characters and 'make histories' prior to the shoot, they've rented a house and lived together with budgets. The director spent 12 years planning this film, and actors have also been involved in the process for 6 and 4 years. It's a film that is made with love and time, and that is clearly visible on the screen. 

I couldn't help but notice lot similarities between one of my favorite films London. I guess that's sort of the romance films that touches me the most.

監督がドキュメンタリーの人ということもあり、多くの部分がアドリブで、役者の多くが、「実際のその職業の人」だったりして面白い。例えば、 Deanが働く引っ越し屋さんは、実在する引っ越し屋さんで、出てくる人たちも実際その引っ越し屋で働く従業員で、彼らが自分たちの恋愛観を話したりしていて、なかなかリアル。部屋などもセットではなく、実際に人が住んでいる部屋でそのまま撮影したりしている。



わたしは"London"と「ジョゼと虎と魚たち」という映画が大好きなのだけれど、"Blue Valentine"はその2つとの共通点が多い。

Monday, July 16, 2012

Photos from Morocco

I'm finally putting together photos from my Moroccan trip in April on my website. Here are some selections:

You can visit my website to see more photos.

We went on holiday to Morocco in April. That turned out to be right before the final hand in, which I now think was quite suicidal, but it did certainly provided me to finally reflect upon myself. We were riding long hours in taxis (yes we took taxis to go to Sahara desert), and probably for the first time I thought through about school, leaving London, and my new life in Japan.

I don't know if it was the long car ride or the beautiful nature of Morocco, but others who were traveling with me were thinking about deep stuff like "meaning of life" and "how small we are". Quite sadly, my thoughts revolved around practical matters and plan of actions rather than philosophical things that others were getting into. That made me feel how shallow I am, but I won't lie.

During those hours of car rides in Morocco, this song Exodus 04 by Utada was playing repeatedly in my head.
The lyrics goes like this:
Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean, through the desert, snow
We'll say goodbye to the friends we know
This is our exodus '04 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Post-Degree Show

It's been unexpectedly incredibly busy after the degree show. From looking at previous years, our year seemed to had believed that "the design industry hunts for new talents at degree shows is a myth that rarely happens". But many from my year seem to already found jobs through the degree show, it seems like degree show as a place to get jobs could work. So if you are in second or first years, keep your hopes up, it can work.

From what I see, it seems like the industry doesn't really go to degree show actively searching for the new talent. But rather they go to degree shows just for fun, and they see some work that fits with their current project, and they contact the student if he or she would like to do some work for them. So there is already a nice fit from the very beginning, that students' works are relevant to the studio's. That's my personal experience and I do see that's the case for few others around.

For that reason, it helps to put work that really represents you. My space demonstrated no skills or no design sensitivities, but as I look back to it now, it really reflected my personality and my long-time interests. That was a happy accident and I'm grateful now, as I am currently enjoying the post-degree show times.




In any case, post-degree show consisted of watching a lot of football.
Followings are fabulous images from The Green Soccer Journal specially dedicated blog for Euro 2012. Art direction is rather slick (wearing football uniform with Burberry jacket and Acne jeans is totally great), but also successfully tell a lot of story within each image. 

(All images from The Green Soccer Journal)