Monday, June 11, 2012

Degree Show Signage WIP

Signage for the degree show is slowly but surely taking shapes.
Above is sexy Boo promoting Illustration pathway.
Bellow are the initial tests:

While Duarte is mainly responsible for the digital side and Esa for print, I have been in charge of signage for the degree show.
It is a rather slow process. We have already used 1.2km (!) of yarn so far and still counting. This signage idea could not have been executed by myself and is really a collaborative effort of people involved in this show. Thank you everyone who worked on it, I am especially grateful because I know everyone's all so very busy preparing for your own space for the show.
The signage is created by: JT, Alessia, Lillian, Boo, Clare, Kate, Kristina, Matt, PietroDuarte, Nathalie, Sara and Renata, Together, we are Cool Calm Collective.

It turned out, this is such a nice collaborative outcome to finish the course with. It involves a lot of people that I've never worked with before.
Still in a process of finishing up, but getting positive feedbacks around, we are pretty excited about it.


When you work in a pair, one needs to play a chicken in a cage role.