Saturday, December 29, 2012

Music, 2012

Apart from fully enjoying music in Ibiza during the summer, I've been pretty much staying at home listening to following three albums: Coexist by The xx, Born to Die by Lana Del Rey, and Trilogy by The Weeknd.

In this day and age, where we are literally flooded with new music every day, it's quite rare for me at least, to be  constantly listening to the same music.



The xx Coexist

I've written on this blog before but this album had the most emotional resonance with me than any other album that I encountered in recent years.
I must admit that their first album was musically more exciting as it was something that sounded so new, but this second album represented myself better lyrically and conceptually.

待望のセカンドアルバム。前にもこのブログで書いていますが、ファーストよりも驚きは少なく、音楽的に面白かったのは前作だったとは思いつつも、歌詞やアイデアとしては、今作の方が自分と重なる部分が多かったです。中性的で、ひたすら哀しくて、何も求めず、ただただ人と人との繋がりを歌った歌詞。音楽と人生がマッチするのはこういうことだよなあと思い出した一枚。今の心境と重なったタイミング的なものもあるとは思うけれど、一生愛するアルバムであると思うし、聴くたびに、22歳の今のことを思い出すのではないかなと思います。宇多田ヒカルのUltra Blueのように特別なアルバムです。

Lana Del Rey Born to Die

I don't think she needs any introduction. A beautiful American singer, who loves nostalgia and she certainly triggers my memories from my teenage years.
Adulthood, 'bad boys', and craziness may not be exactly the things that I lived through, but Del Rey's songs evokes how I was attracted to those things during my youth.
Most of her songs are about girls' point of view on love, but the sadness and shadow of death that threads the album, make it standing out from cheesy romance songs that are around.

新しい「セックスアイコン」、Lana Del Rey。ため息が出るほど、美しい。


It's a compilation album that includes previously freely released three free mix tapes. It therefore is a 30 track 3 hours long piece of art.
Seductive voice (which sounds like a cross between Michael Jackson and John Legend) sings emotional tracks with dark and sad lyrics. Songs are about night life, parties, drug use, and sex, which are definitely not glamorous nor cool like conventional R&B songs. Just like The xx, there are many songs about the end of relationship and heartbreaks.
His musical talent is simply so huge, it's a kind of music that is hard not to be moved.

反則級に声がセクシー。声だけだと、なんとなくマイケルジャクソンとJohn Legendっぽい。感情の起伏がある音楽。抜群の歌唱力にこういうエモーショナルな曲が映える。
前述のThe xxとLana Del Reyが、自分の個人の感情や記憶に照らし合わせて、すごく心動かされるものだとしたら、The Weekndはそういうものではなくて、圧倒的な才能で、心乱れずにはいられない類のもの。

Not as much as the three albums above but the ones that I also liked:

Swedish House Mafia – Until One
Jake Bugg – Jake Bugg
Delilah – From The Roots Up

Swedish House Mafia:
Totally a shame that they are splitting. Sweden's biggest club rockers' last album was definitely as great as always.

Jake Bugg and Delilah are both from England. This country never seem to run out of young musical talents.

Jake Bugg:
I always end up liking singers that has similar voice quality to Bob Dylan's and Jake Bugg definitely falls into that category.
Jake Buggはイギリス出身、あのジャスティン・ビーバーと同い年。と、考えると、ジャスティン・ビーバーは幼いというか、永遠の16歳みたいな印象。個人的には、Jake Buggの方がかっこいい。

Delilah :
ここ数年私がよく聴くイギリスの音楽(Katy B, Magnetic Manなど)のラインに当たる種類の音楽。つまりはダブステップの流れを汲みながら、ポップで聴きやすく、クラブっぽさとインディーっぽさがありつつ、ライブは自由な発想で先進的なことをやってたりするのが面白い。

宇多田ヒカル – 『桜流し』

2011 was a year of Adele. Without a doubt 2012 was a year for PSY. Whenever hearing this song, you just can't help but to ride that invisible horse.
Thoroughly enjoyed recent Monocle The Globalist's review of the economical benefit that this one song brought to South Korea.