Monday, September 24, 2012

なぜデザインなのか Dialogue in Design

I read Dialogue in Design, which is a book about a conversation between Masayo Ave and Kenya Hara. Masayo Ave is an architect slash product designer, who's been teaching in Italy, Germany and Estonia for many years. Kenya Hara is a graphic designer, probably best known internationally for his book Designing Design and as an art director of Muji. I read it in Japanese and as far as I know, there is no English translation of the book.

The pleasure of design is to reverse what was thought to be a negative stereotypes to something positive. (Ave)

Design is about precisely recognizing the process of expression. (...) If things have been chosen by 'oh this is nice', no message would follow. (Hara)

It's only a shame that design in Japan is not as respected as in the West, but designers like Ave and Hara seem to promote and raise awareness of design. Not only they have great sense of design, one of their most valuable talents lay in their verbal communication skills. They are also aware of the importance of verbal communication skill:

Abundant vocabulary and the skill to express your thoughts clearly are the basis of communication. (Hara)

You should always prepare what sort of words must be used, in order to have your ideas across accurately.  (Hara)

At the roots of creative ideas are creative words. (Hara)

The crucial difference between pure creation of something and design is that design requires the work process of explaining ideas and raveling misconceptions to the people from different disciplines. (Ave)

(Mind me of my translations above.)

Even today Japanese still believe their design is far inferior to the ones in Europe, and when I read the conversations of leading designers like the ones in this book, I can only say that the quality of conversations that they have is as relevant as the ones in the West. They can accurately express themselves, which is more important than ever.

副題は"Dialogue in Design"。「なぜデザインなのか。」という対談ではなく、デザインにまつわる様々な会話といった感じの本なので、デザインのダイアローグという副題の方が、的を得ているかも。



