Thursday, April 14, 2011

Virtual to Reality

Since everyone did so well for virtual to reality brief, we think it's worth sharing with the rest of the world and so we are compiling all the projects as one blog! Special thank you to JT who has worked on creating the blog! It is still work in progress but our Bomberman page is up, with photos and movies!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bomberman Water Fiesta (cont)

This is why BA(Hons) Graphic Design at Central Saint Martins rocks. We had serious fun and we get credit for it!
This was a project with an objective to bring virtual game into reality. We worked out how rules of virtual game Bomberman can be applied and still be able to play as a physical game. For instance, in the actual game, bombs were used to attack the enemies and break the brick walls, but we replaced those bombs by water balloons (for an obvious reason: we don't actually want to kill anyone). It was not a project where we were keen on keeping the rules of the virtual game precisely, but it was more about using our imagination and interprete the virtual to real, while still maintaining the essence of the original game.
Bomberman games are about grids, timing and positioning, and we were able to remain such characteristics at the core of our physical game. The art direction followed the original game too; such as huge and colorful headgears and grey bricks.
Thinking back about it, it became more of a sport. Like every sport, there's a rule, uniform, points and scoring system, and use of physical body. Whether it was a game or a sport, I really had so much fun doing this project. It was fun making the rules, making the props, it was fun playing the game, and it was nice seeing how others were having fun playing the game. 
Thank you again to everyone who helped out in various ways for making this project possible.
This project involved most people than ever and it definitely was nice working with you all!

最近のゲームのというは家庭用「フィジカル」と「ソーシャル」なものが増えて来ていて。例えばWiiやXbox Kinectなんかは体を動かさなくちゃいけないし、MMORPG(多人数同時参加型オンラインRPG)は他の人と助け合わないとゲームが攻略出来ないし、ARG(代替現実ゲーム)になると、もはや現実とゲームの境がわからなくなってくる。今まで「ゲーム=ひとりで部屋でやって健康に悪そう」なイメージだったものが、そうでもなくなってきている。KinectとかARGとか見てると、本当にヒーローになりきってゲームをすることが可能になる日も近いだろうなーと思う。現実とヴァーチャルはどんどん近づいて来ているし、ゲームはスクリーン上で完結しなくなって、もっと「人間らしく(=フィジカル+ソーシャル)」なるのかもしれない。現実とヴァーチャルの差が小さくなることは、社会的な問題も潜んでいるのだろうけれど。

Epic photos with special thanks to Cynthia.