Sunday, July 31, 2011

Graphic meets Football: The Green Soccer Journal

I recently came across a magazine called "The Green Soccer Journal". It's a magazine about the world of football presented with lovely visuals. I was all over it during my latest visit to Magma.

The newest issue is on French football but you can see spreads of first issue in this video:

It's got an amazing photography, and interviews/writing seemed to be quite interesting too. The newest issue also features Peter Saville as contributor. The Umbro advertising at the back is totally beautiful.
No sexy women or car adverts. I'm pretty sure this magazine meets a demand.
It's a London based publisher, and it's quite odd why they chose to call themselves soccer journal instead of football.


On their blog, they also had a post about a designer called Zoran Lucić. His work has a retro feel and is an original take for football graphics. I'm very much against putting posters of idols/athletes up, but these, I wouldn't mind having them up on my walls:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beginners, Submarine, The Tree of Life

I liked Mike Mills' film "Beginners". He was and assuming still is a graphic designer, and the film had lovely imagery as you'd expect. The film also had nifty little things throughout and they made me smile here and there. In the movie, Ewan McGregor was a graphic designer, and it's probably the first film that I've ever seen where the character's occupation was a graphic designer.
Mike Mills has done graphics for musicians like AIR, Sonic Youth, Beastie Boys etc. The film features a band called The Sads, and I had no idea they were actual band, but apparently they are and Mills also does graphics for them.

Mike Mills監督の"Beginners"を期待しながら映画館に観に行って、そしてまた良かった。
監督のMike Millsはグラフィックデザイナー。AIR、Sonic Youth、Beastie BoysなんかのジャケットやPV、プロモーションを手がけていて、作品はヴィヴィッドでどこか抜けた感じ。映画では、ユアン・マクグレガーがグラフィックデザイナー役というときめきポイントも。相手役のフランス人の女の子も綺麗なのだけれどフランス人らしいちょっと抜けた可愛さで、好みだった。ツボの多い映画。

The film reminded me of 'Submarine', also another film from this year that I really liked. They both have different visual tones, but they also have a lot of in common; fireworks, monologues, use of block colors, story of love (girlfriend) and weird but charming parents... I really like the heroine too. She's such a character.

"Submarine"の音楽はAlex Turner(Arctic Monkeys)。予告編見直して、ああこの映画の音楽、新しいアルバムに入れんたんだと今気づいた。

And, I'll just add the short fact that I actually quite liked 'The Tree of Life'. Despite what all the others thought. But maybe it's because it brought back some very old memories of mine. It is also, tremendously long. You are warned.

賛否両論の'The Tree of Life'だけれど、個人的には好きだった。一緒に行った男の子たちには酷評。映画が終わってから客席からは「はーやっと終わったかあ」的なため息や「ふん」という鼻を鳴らす音が聞こえて、映画館のお客さんの評価も明らかにイマイチだった。そんなリアクション、人生で行った映画館で初めて。

Monday, July 25, 2011


Taku working in his studio. He's a shoe designer, who now does a lot of bag designs. I've known him since I was 18 and there are countless things that I've learnt from him. Though in the end, it comes down to a simple fact that it just is very motivating and inspiring to see someone around you working extremely hard. Seeing him immersed in work certainly makes me want to work harder for what I do too; to work hard for design.
He has influenced me tremendously. He has all my respect.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Year of Adele

Sensation in UK and beyond, Adele's '21' has been selling remarkably well. Sure, Adele is amazing, but I'm quite surprised how well she's doing in the US chart. I thought Americans tended to like more gorgeous/sexy (or over-produced) types of female singers.
Interestingly, current UK chart is dominated by female solo artists. Adele '21' tops, Beyonce '4' ranks 2nd, 3rd for Adele '19', and Lady Gaga 'Born This Way' for the 4th. I read some review on Lady Gaga, though it can also be applied to Beyonce, that nowadays only women are singing about freedom and liberty, and that's quite an interesting remark.

I'm in love with Jamie xx remix of Rolling in the Deep.
And I'm still waiting for her album 21 to come on Spotify...

Rolling in the Deep (Jamie xx Shuffle)


Lady Gagaのアルバムは本国アメリカでもうトップ10に入っておらず(現在13位)、Lady Gagaはもう音楽家ではなくパフォーマーとしての道を歩むしかないのかなあと思ったり。

Someone Like You (Performance at BRIT Award) ちょっとおかしな日本語訳付き

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Another girl that I will miss having around next year. Her cheerful attitude and a big smile will be greatly missed by all of us.
She's probably given me the best compliments about my work too. When she likes something, she actually tells you in person with honesty. Those moments have been very touching and made me feel honoured.
She's moving to my hometown, and I'm sure she'll love it there. Best of luck.


Monday, July 18, 2011

The AMP Studio

It's been a little while now but I went to visit Ayako, Michelle and Pip's studio–The Amp Studio–in Hackney.
It's a newly set-up studio by three CSM graduate jewellery designers. I think AMP is such a great name for a collective, with reference to amplifier and ampersand. They certainly had a lucky initials.
When I went, they were still waiting for their tables and so I had the privilege of seeing an empty room with Michelle working on the floor... which was really cute.
It's a lovely space with lovely people who make lovely jewellery. Pip, whom I met for the first time, taught me how to knit. I would love to work or collaborate with them in the future.
More information about them can be found at They are planning on having open studio and workshops so stay tuned.

この夏にセントマを卒業した3人のジュエリーデザイナー、Ayako、Michelle、Pipが新しく開いたハックニーのスタジオThe Amp Studio(アンプ・スタジオ)に少し前になるのだけれど、遊びに行った。まだ机が届いていないにも関わらず、たくましく床で作業をする後ろ姿が可愛かった。

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Music 2011 (so far) and Basement Jaxx

2011 may be a year of music. I don't think I have never enjoyed listening to new albums as much as I have this year. Surprisingly enough, I've been staying away from gigs, concerts and festivals. Shame.

I, however, did go to Metropole Orkest vs Basement Jaxx yesterday at Barbican Hall, and that was nice with very enthusiastic audience. I wasn't expecting dancing audience at all-seating venue. I love electronic dance music, but I felt sorry for them that they can't yet beat how live instruments make us move and dance so intuitively. Electronic dance music try so hard, try so many different ideas, and they still get defeated. Can't make people dance like they do with live instruments. Sad times. But I still love electro/ dance, and I think their advantage is that they work better on digital/ CD output. I find orchestra is more for live, not really for CDs.

Basement Jaxxのダンスミュージックを、オランダのクラシックのオーケストラと、ソウル歌手と、若干ラップトップで再現するコンサートに行って来た。こういうBarbican(音楽ホール)の企画は外れがない。オーケストラやクラシック音楽の楽器構成は大好きだけれど、根本的にダンスミュージックが好きだから、クラシックにビートとベースさえあればもっと聴くのにと本気で思っている自分にはぴったりな企画。

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Olga in Brick Lane. I'm gonna miss her after this summer.


Monday, July 11, 2011

The Bartlett and AA

Last week we went to architecture shows for the Bartlett (UCL) and AA. I somehow thought Bartlett was supposed to be more practical and AA more imaginative and crazy, but it turned out to be completely opposite. Also, I did not know that architecture courses don't just exhibit the project from the final year, but they show works from throughout the school. My friend who I went with said he can't really see the necessity of exhibiting all the units. It's true that the further the unit goes, more interesting it usually got, and the exhibition of earlier units can be questioned.

I liked what objects and space that people from Bartlett created for their show. I'm quite envious that people in such course could create them. Hopefully we get access to 3D workshops once we move to Kings Cross and we can be able to build things for our show.
There were a lot of very fairytale-like, Sci-Fi-like architecture and models. So many were seriously amazing illustrators and made visually striking presentations. I think it's important to keep in mind that many architects, artists, photographers and designers can do very interesting graphic design, and graphic designers also have a lot to learn about graphic design from them.
At the same time, looking at their visual presentation was more interesting than looking at their actual architecture and architectural concept.

AA's presentation and models were much less glamorous than the ones from the Bartlett. At the same time that helped me to see and understand their architecture and concept better.
It was also nice bumping into my context tutor, who studies at AA. She's a film maker and made this structure that grows as a dancer dances within it. Hopefully I get to see her film sometime.
I really liked the atmosphere within AA campus. It felt like a large house and felt really comfortable to be in. They also had nice open roof-top terrace for their bar/cafe.
AAは校舎の雰囲気がすごーく良かった。そして、たまたま自分の先生(Context tutor)に遭遇。上の写真で窓から飛び出てるのが先生の作品。図書館にこっそりいれてあげるから、勉強しに夏休みいつでもおいでよと言われて、すごく嬉しくなるくらい、AAの校舎は好きだった。ひとつの大きな家みたいな校舎と校風。

I suppose the Bartlett and AA mark the end of my month-long degree show visits. I wasn't really planning at first, but it actually made me think a lot about how I want to have my own degree show. It also made me discuss about our show among my peers. I'm excited to do our show, especially since I really like my year group and I will enjoy working with those people.


Kati at RCA Show.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Politics, Wikileaks and Assange

Photo from TechDigest

I went to Julian Assange, Slavoj Žižek and Amy Goodman's discussion on 2nd July. I do think I am not strongly political. I could even say I may have very limited interest and knowledge of politics. However, I do have belief in certain things and rights, and do own a vision for the future. That belief of mine, of course has a political side. That sounds fairly obvious but I think I only realized that through this discussion.

Some notes:

Assange: "Fox News actually aired more shooting and killing scenes than more liberal News shows like CNN"

Žižek: "Marx said honest conservatives are better than dishonest liberals. That's true because honest conservatives don't sell uplifting bullshits but dishonest liberals do."

China now prohibits the subject of time travel and AR on all media, including films, press, TV, news. It is to prevent people from imagining the possibility of another world.

Assange: "Bradley Manning was a young man of high moral character. When a man like that is put into such illegitimate situation, he becomes stronger, not weaker."
Žižek: "(About Manning) Sometimes in history there are ethical miracles. These people are our only hope today."

Assange: "We have the right to speak, right to know, right to communicate. We can have a civilized life, where we learn from each other and in less adverse way."
"It's important to enable everyone to contribute to the historical record of our civilization."
"A historical record that cannot be found isn't historical record at all."

Assange: "We are packed with 2000 people who actually paid £20 to come on a sunny Saturday afternoon. This wouldn't be possible 5 years ago."
"You are here because you think change is possible. And you're probably right."

Žižek: "Truth has to be contextualize. It's not just about telling the truth (and is what Wikileaks does)."

Assange: "Egypt's day-to-day life and technology there were just like it is in London. The idea that democracy is the one that manages and rules is ridiculous."
"Egypt had 20,000 political prisoners but never gained attention like Iraq. Press and writers write for their self-interest."

Assange: "Media try and portray that this voice is a outcast voice and is minority. The square played the role to make people realized that they were actually majority, by seeing the number in front of them. Just like what happened for Berlin wall."
"We are at the edge of such revolution. Bloggers don't just repeat the information that's already available but gives confirmation that there are also others that think the same way. It function as squares."

Assange: "Most of us have an instinct for justice."

It was an inspiring discussion to say the least. What a great way to start my 21st year.

The New Republicがロシアの哲学家「最も危ない思想家」と呼ぶSlavoj Žižek。New Yorks Timesらのメディアや政治家が敵対視して「情報テロリスト」とまで呼ばれる、Wikileaksの創始者で編集長ジュリアン・アサンジらのディスカッションに行って来た。





Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer in London

Amazing weather, BBQ, friends... The best way to spend Sundays.


Saturday, July 2, 2011


According to Wikipedia:
Twenty-one is a Fibonacci number, a Harshad number, a Motzkin number, a triangular number and an octagonal number, as well as a composite number, its proper divisors being 1, 3 and 7.

In translation it means that 21 is a special number!
I thought my birthday is no big deal, but hey, I'm actually simple enough to get excited just by reading people's comments on Facebook! THANK YOU.

In a way I can't believe I'm only 21. My own youth surprises me and makes me feel like I can still take any challenge in life!
21 and keeps on getting better, that's all I can say!




Friday, July 1, 2011

Junya Ishigami Talk at Barbican

I went to a lecture by Junya Ishigami, a Japanese architect who's won Golden Lion at last year's Venice Biennale. I knew so little about him and his work and thus discovering his unique approach to architecture, 'architecture as air', was thought-provoking.

Most memorable parts from this lecture were the times when he showed videos of his architecture. All of his videos were just so amusing, I think it's very rare to find an architecture that's so interesting to watch as a moving image. His very thin table waved like it's actually breathing. His work for university studio allowed different people walking and interacting with the space in completely different way. There were spaces that only few would walk pass, there were pillars that many people touch... And it was astonishing to see the giant aluminium cubic structure that weigh 1 ton, floating in air, because of enough helium gas inside it.

On a personal note, I loved the way he repeatedly used a term 'ultra'. It happened to be one of my favorite words and I actually really liked the way he overused that word. It's such a great word, makes it sound much more special than words like 'very' or 'really'.

Oh and his Yohji Yamamoto store in New York is so fascinating, I'll definitely visit it when I'm New York next time.

All photos from Archi Tonic


