You can also see that a decent amount of design you see on the streets are purely typographic, i.e. no use of images, which I massively approve. Yes I am comparing it to Japan, where they believe so much of so many things need cute-faced characters. Blimey.

Thai characters often but not always end with little circles and I wondered whether or not those circles have some sort of serif-like functionality. I tried to decipher it by reading Wikipedia page on Thai alphabet and on the Japanese page said that apart from letters ก and ธ, there are always small circles (dots). That being said, depending on typefaces, those circle are simplified. Also some typefaces mimics forms of latin alphabets.
It seems though when it is handwritten, those circles are omitted:

I even found vehicle registration plates appealing. I mean, so many shapes and styles! The way numbers and letters are embossed are so cool. Some people even framed their plates, for decorative purpose I suppose, so clearly Thai people also think that registration plate is a cool aspect of the vehicle too, right?

I don't know if it's a traditional Thai thing or a Chinese influence but there were frequent usage of color red and that certainly brightened up already sunny streets of Thailand. Everything Royal Family related seemed to have decorative gold too. Colorful and fun all the way.
It does make me feel that such rawness seen everywhere in Thailand is so strong and appealing, what the hell am I doing as a designer. When we think we are sophisticating things, are we at the same time making things boring? Designers tend to believe that we are solving external problem, but it is also true to say that at the end of the day, design is always a product of designers' egoism.
Lastly, this is a cool balcony we found in Phi Phi Don: