I am not a video person and I've always preferred audio or still images as methods of obtaining information or recording memories. Though, after I made this film from my London trip, I began to record moments by video more often and above is the result of it. Not much thoughts involved, it is a simple cut and paste compilation of my five weeks or so.
Now that Instagram got a video feature, I would like to make compilations of those Instagram videos when I get enough clips to do so.
ながらで観れないので、動画は観るのに身構えてしまう感じがあり、ながらで聞けるポッドキャストが好きで、TED talkなどもオーディオで聴く派でした。でも、最近盛り上がっているVineやInstagramの「すごく短くて凝縮された動画スタイル」だったら、敷居低く観れるので、ついつい観てしまっています。簡素に切り貼りしたとはいえ、上記のような動画を作るのはそれなりに手間なので、Instagramにアップする動画が溜まってきたら、それらを繋げてコンピレーション動画も作りたいです(そういうアプリがほしい)。
The first and last bit of the clip was shot using Time Lapse Camera HD iPhone app and Veho MUVI X-Lapse. I again got it from MobileFun which sells mobile phone accessories online and it looks like this:

It literally works like the cooking timer:

(images found from Google Image Search)
The upper part rotates in steady motion and hence you can take a full 360 view time lapse films. You can't however change the speed; it is pretty an analogue product.
What bother me the most is that it makes a steady noise throughout. It even makes a loud cooking-timer-like-noise at the end. I was hoping to shoot the urban landscape of Tokyo from a high-rised building but its constant noise make it impossible for me to shoot from a posh cafe while sipping a cup of coffee.
Having said that, it's fun to think about what to shoot with this product and broadens the expression of iPhone movie.
上の動画の最初と最後のタイムラプスは、Veho MUVI X-Lapseというものを用いて撮っています。携帯アクセサリーのオンラインショップMobileFunより。