Friday, August 5, 2011

Hyung Joong

Another friend from Holland, who stayed in London this summer. He also stayed at my house, which made me feel like I gained a flatmate for the first time in my life! It was well exciting and was great having an old happy friend around.
We've been good friends, we spent 5 years in same school and same friend-group, but I don't think we were particularly close one-to-one. We lived in the same direction, so I remember us always taking same tram home, but we haven't been in touch much after I left Holland. Nevertheless, he's so nice, kind and trustworthy, I was more than happy to lend my place, and introduce another friend of mine for his flat. I would have hesitated if it was for someone else. His kindness showed in heartwarming messages he sent to all of his Japanese friends after the 3.11 earthquake, which was incredibly touching.
There were quite few memorable moments during his stay in London and one was on the last day when we talked about our identities. I don't know what he'll choose at the end, but I know we will be supporting him all the way through.
