Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bomberman Water Fiesta in oh comely Magazine

Our Bomberman Water Fiesta was featured in oh comely magazine (issue seven, September/October 2011)! With photography by Cynthia Chen and words by Dani Lurie!!

このたび、私たちのボンバーマンのプロジェクトが雑誌『oh comely』に載りました!

The magazine is so girlie, I wasn't sure how our Bomberman imagery would fit in, but it really is an honour!
Sneak peak of the rest of the magazine is as follows. I love the art direction of this magazine! I bought my copy in a corner shop in Soho (the one with big 'Creative Review' written on) but I know for a fact that WH Smiths stocks oh comely magazine and I'm sure there are plenty of other stocklists around too. Do have a look if you happen to find it!
