Friday, October 14, 2011

Maiko Kobayashi "Sorrows of Life"

コバヤシ麻衣子さんの新作個展「かなしいライフ」が六本木ヒルズ内のA/D Galleryで開催されています!10月19日まで!
森美術館や展望台から降りて来ると必ず通るショップの横という素晴らしい立地。私が東京を発ったすぐ後に開催されたので、私は惜しくも逃してしまって残念。でも、私が六本木ヒルズに行ったときには、フライヤーが置いてあったので、持って帰ってきました(それが上の写真)。予想以上にA/D Galleryはスペースも広かった。

My friend Maiko Kobayashi is having an exhibition in A/D Gallery inside Roppongi Hills, Tokyo. (The identity of Roppongi Hills has been done by Jonathan Barnbrook.)
The exhibition started right after I left Tokyo so I sadly had to miss it. I did, however, had a chance to visit her studio in Tokyo and the works there were looking promising.
Since I met her in Newcastle 3 years ago, she's been working so hard and realizing all these exhibitions possible both within Japan and abroad. She's always an inspiration and has full of stories to share, she's definitely one of the people I rush to visit when I'm back in Tokyo.