Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This is it, is this it?

This is going to be the busiest and fastest year ever.
I love it so much, I seriously wish I could stay in CSM for another 5 years. But that's nothing but an escapism, I'll face whatever I need to face in a year's time.

I went to Royal Albert Hall last night to see Metronomy and Royal Albert Hall was astonishingly beautiful. There are so many beautiful buildings within UK but this may be one of my favorites. V&A is also spectacular, I wonder what was South Kensington area used to be for? Impressive of Metronomy that they weren't lost in such beauty too.

If I'm going to be leaving London in less than a year's time, architecture in London that are beautiful from both inside and outside, are something that I'll miss greatly.




英国には美しいオペラハウスや、シアターや、ホールが沢山あるのだけれど、昨日行ったRoyal Albert Hallはその中でも一番美しかった。