Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dark Matter Fashion Shoot

This post will contain a lot of photos of myself, but I promise it goes beyond 'look at me' or am I good-looking/bad-looking kind of thing.

A collaboration between photographs shot by Cynthia Kodi Chen Barbachano and a dress designed by JT Yean. The dress piece is titled Dark Matter (this was first official use of Yava font) and was inspired by dark matter and oddities. I also bought this dress off JT last year and I love it.

We did a little experiment after the shoot. Each of us selected and edited five photos. This way, you can see we all had different favorites (for instance my five choices didn't overlap with neither JT nor Cynthia's) and we all pulled out different elements when editing the photos. It's an interesting comparison, highlighting our individual preferences and perceptions.

One photoshoot. Three graphic designers. Three perceptions.

JT's select (a fashion designer's point of view)

Cynthia's select (a photographer's point of view)

My select (A model's point of view)

Funny how JT's images have grey color-tones, Cynthia's have very light color-tones, and mine have very dark ones. Also, other two chose action shots, but I liked to stick to the images that did justice to the interesting material of the dress, a part from the last one.

You can also find out more about the dress on JT's website.

The photoshoot was also assisted by Nathan Jihiri. Thanks Nathan x