Monday, March 26, 2012

Resonate Festival

Here it is, Resonate festival.
Our friend Clara is exceptionally friendly, cheerful like a sunshine and she made loads of friends. So I too got to talk to strangers, which was fun.
Talks and conferences during the day, live music acts at night. Beers on sale throughout the day and night. Extremely sunny two days. It was a great festival indeed.

Our favorite event of all was a tram ride with Uros Djuric. Super informative and subjective tour of Belgrade. We listened to Serbian Punk music from 70s, it was so loud made pedestrians stare with surprise or some occasionally danced.

Here are the photos from Resonate Festival's Flickr:


レクチャーのクワリティーも高く、会場のムードも良かったのだけれど、一番楽しかったのは、トラムツアー。ファンキーなアーティストUros Djuricのガイドで、大音量でセルビア音楽(主にロックやニューウェーブ、時折パンク)を聴きながら、街を回った。

写真はResonate Festival's Flickrより: