Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nara Yoshitomo: A Bit Like You And Me...

I went to see Nara Yoshitomo's exhibition A Bit Like You And Me at Yokohama Museum of Art.

The first room consisted of his new bronze sculpture series. It's something new from Nara, as well as it's different from other bronze sculptures I have seen elsewhere. Most of this new sculpture series is massive heads, and they sort of remind one of Buddha heads, which is quite a common bronze sculpture of Asia. Though, what makes Nara's sculpture different from other bronze sculptures is that it has got so much texture and you can clearly see the marks of his hands and struggles. That make these large scale and impressive sculptures very humane, lively and something you can relate too.

His other works displayed in this exhibition are continuation of his familiar works: mostly paintings and drawings of girls and some animals. Nara has openly commented on the influence of 3.11 earthquake on his works through various media, and I was expecting something heavier from the exhibition. Though, the colors used in his paintings were rather positive and the exhibition itself also had friendly feel, nothing heavy or let alone depressing. Just like how the exhibition title suggests, his works were something people can feel closely to, and from observing the audience at the show, the audience seem to be having intimate dialogue with his works.

1週間以上前になりますが、横浜美術館にて、奈良美智さんの『君や 僕に ちょっと似ている』を観てきました。




