This book consists of conversations between a Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas (founder of an architecture firm OMA) and a Swiss curator Hans-Ulrich Obrist.
After 11 years of living in the Western culture, I'm now focusing my attention to Asia, and I cannot deny Koolhaas' influence in this mind set. I'm interested in changes, forward-looking-ness, and chaos of Asia. There are many architects or designers that work for Asia or Middle East, but Koolhaas probably shares his experiences and studies about the culture more than others, and reading these simply fascinates me just like that was the case for this book. Koolhaas insights are poignant and that makes it not surprising that he was a journalist and filmmaker before becoming an architect.
Some memorable quotes from the book (all by Rem Koolhaas):
I don't think we've met anyone in the context of this project who is older than 45. There seem to be a generation of people between 35 and 45 who are responsible for everything at the moment. It's very interesting because when those people were very young, they experienced the cultural revolution; when they were 12, it was over and they were able to return to school, and when they were 18, they were able to go abroad. (…) What's more, I think this generation is not so obsessed with getting rich. I think that's a kind of propaganda expressed by journalists, always with the latent suggestion of imminent collapse. There's a suggestion of that "materialism, abuse of human rights, desire to get rich" mentality.
Propaganda is usually defined by sound bites or by simplifying issues. The beauty of Europe is that you cannot simplify it, as it is an infinitely complex process.
After World War II, for the first time, it became possible to define a European narrative objective and to integrate the entire story without lying, but nevertheless negotiating the paradoxes that characterized Europe: that one nation's villain is another nation's hero.
I have realized that we are living in a completely paradoxical moment of modernization where all modernization is driven by nostalgia, on every level. Yet, we are absolutely disinterested in the past, in history. Auschwitz, for example, has become nostalgia, and there are more and more instruments of memory and less and less actual remembrance. That's quite a perverse thing. Nostalgia means living permanently in a form of denial, and what is particularly sinister about it is that it is driving the left as much as the right, intellectuals as much as the general population.
The book uses quite distinctive and unique typefaces but they sit rather comfortably and the book is really easy to read in terms of readability. It was designed by French design studio M/M Paris.

そんなコールハースと、世界一のインタビュー好きスイス人キュレーターHans Ulrich Obristとの対談。
ちなみにこの本のデザインはフランスのデザイン事務所M/M Parisが手がけていて、癖のあるタイポグラフィーが特徴的ですが、それでいてとても美しいです。