Monday, July 11, 2011

The Bartlett and AA

Last week we went to architecture shows for the Bartlett (UCL) and AA. I somehow thought Bartlett was supposed to be more practical and AA more imaginative and crazy, but it turned out to be completely opposite. Also, I did not know that architecture courses don't just exhibit the project from the final year, but they show works from throughout the school. My friend who I went with said he can't really see the necessity of exhibiting all the units. It's true that the further the unit goes, more interesting it usually got, and the exhibition of earlier units can be questioned.

I liked what objects and space that people from Bartlett created for their show. I'm quite envious that people in such course could create them. Hopefully we get access to 3D workshops once we move to Kings Cross and we can be able to build things for our show.
There were a lot of very fairytale-like, Sci-Fi-like architecture and models. So many were seriously amazing illustrators and made visually striking presentations. I think it's important to keep in mind that many architects, artists, photographers and designers can do very interesting graphic design, and graphic designers also have a lot to learn about graphic design from them.
At the same time, looking at their visual presentation was more interesting than looking at their actual architecture and architectural concept.

AA's presentation and models were much less glamorous than the ones from the Bartlett. At the same time that helped me to see and understand their architecture and concept better.
It was also nice bumping into my context tutor, who studies at AA. She's a film maker and made this structure that grows as a dancer dances within it. Hopefully I get to see her film sometime.
I really liked the atmosphere within AA campus. It felt like a large house and felt really comfortable to be in. They also had nice open roof-top terrace for their bar/cafe.
AAは校舎の雰囲気がすごーく良かった。そして、たまたま自分の先生(Context tutor)に遭遇。上の写真で窓から飛び出てるのが先生の作品。図書館にこっそりいれてあげるから、勉強しに夏休みいつでもおいでよと言われて、すごく嬉しくなるくらい、AAの校舎は好きだった。ひとつの大きな家みたいな校舎と校風。

I suppose the Bartlett and AA mark the end of my month-long degree show visits. I wasn't really planning at first, but it actually made me think a lot about how I want to have my own degree show. It also made me discuss about our show among my peers. I'm excited to do our show, especially since I really like my year group and I will enjoy working with those people.