Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beginners, Submarine, The Tree of Life

I liked Mike Mills' film "Beginners". He was and assuming still is a graphic designer, and the film had lovely imagery as you'd expect. The film also had nifty little things throughout and they made me smile here and there. In the movie, Ewan McGregor was a graphic designer, and it's probably the first film that I've ever seen where the character's occupation was a graphic designer.
Mike Mills has done graphics for musicians like AIR, Sonic Youth, Beastie Boys etc. The film features a band called The Sads, and I had no idea they were actual band, but apparently they are and Mills also does graphics for them.

Mike Mills監督の"Beginners"を期待しながら映画館に観に行って、そしてまた良かった。
監督のMike Millsはグラフィックデザイナー。AIR、Sonic Youth、Beastie BoysなんかのジャケットやPV、プロモーションを手がけていて、作品はヴィヴィッドでどこか抜けた感じ。映画では、ユアン・マクグレガーがグラフィックデザイナー役というときめきポイントも。相手役のフランス人の女の子も綺麗なのだけれどフランス人らしいちょっと抜けた可愛さで、好みだった。ツボの多い映画。

The film reminded me of 'Submarine', also another film from this year that I really liked. They both have different visual tones, but they also have a lot of in common; fireworks, monologues, use of block colors, story of love (girlfriend) and weird but charming parents... I really like the heroine too. She's such a character.

"Submarine"の音楽はAlex Turner(Arctic Monkeys)。予告編見直して、ああこの映画の音楽、新しいアルバムに入れんたんだと今気づいた。

And, I'll just add the short fact that I actually quite liked 'The Tree of Life'. Despite what all the others thought. But maybe it's because it brought back some very old memories of mine. It is also, tremendously long. You are warned.

賛否両論の'The Tree of Life'だけれど、個人的には好きだった。一緒に行った男の子たちには酷評。映画が終わってから客席からは「はーやっと終わったかあ」的なため息や「ふん」という鼻を鳴らす音が聞こえて、映画館のお客さんの評価も明らかにイマイチだった。そんなリアクション、人生で行った映画館で初めて。