Saturday, July 16, 2011

Music 2011 (so far) and Basement Jaxx

2011 may be a year of music. I don't think I have never enjoyed listening to new albums as much as I have this year. Surprisingly enough, I've been staying away from gigs, concerts and festivals. Shame.

I, however, did go to Metropole Orkest vs Basement Jaxx yesterday at Barbican Hall, and that was nice with very enthusiastic audience. I wasn't expecting dancing audience at all-seating venue. I love electronic dance music, but I felt sorry for them that they can't yet beat how live instruments make us move and dance so intuitively. Electronic dance music try so hard, try so many different ideas, and they still get defeated. Can't make people dance like they do with live instruments. Sad times. But I still love electro/ dance, and I think their advantage is that they work better on digital/ CD output. I find orchestra is more for live, not really for CDs.

Basement Jaxxのダンスミュージックを、オランダのクラシックのオーケストラと、ソウル歌手と、若干ラップトップで再現するコンサートに行って来た。こういうBarbican(音楽ホール)の企画は外れがない。オーケストラやクラシック音楽の楽器構成は大好きだけれど、根本的にダンスミュージックが好きだから、クラシックにビートとベースさえあればもっと聴くのにと本気で思っている自分にはぴったりな企画。