Saturday, December 31, 2011

Music, 2011

My personal best album from 2011:
1. The English Riviera, Metronomy
2. Suck it and See, Arctic Monkeys
3. Pala, Friendly Fires
4. On a Mission, Katy B
5. A Creature I Don't Know, Laura Marling
6. Mademoworld, Mademoiselle Yulia
7. In the Grace of Your Love, The Rapture
8. Eye Contact, Gang Gang Dance

Another amazing musical year. Particularly the success of female artists (Adele, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce) was inspirational.

Although it was not released this year, if I were to name one album that I listened to more than any other this year, that would be this: Frank, by Amy Winehouse. RIP Amy.

In 2010, I went to 13 concerts, and this year I went only to 6. I'll name Laura Marling gig as the best one of those 6. One of my favorite songs by her is now remembered as a whistle song: 

2011 certainly was a turbulent year. 2001 was the year when I moved abroad for the first time, and that of course was also the year of 9/11. 10 years on and I would say 2011 was as dramatic, if not more, as 2001. Both in terms of international affairs and also for my personal life.

Arab spring, Japanese earthquake and nuclear crisis, countless protests, English riots, deaths of Bin Laden, Steve Jobs and Kim Jong Il... Trips to Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macau, Amsterdam, Berlin, along with various other places. Lots of group works, first time freelancing, D&AD award, and notorious dissertation... Visa process, first time living on my own, getting bank accounts, working at an advertising company, well, what else?
I am all calm right now but thinking back, what an intensive year that was!

I am scared for 2012, but I know next few months will be the best months of my life. God knows what happens after the graduation in July, but till then I will make the best out of it.


そんな1年、私は、Metronomyの『English Riviera』と、Amy Winehouseの『Frank』を聴きながら過ごしました。この2枚は、アルバムと曲ごとの質感が好きで、ずっーと聴いていた。混沌とした世界情勢とはあまり関係なく、いままでと同じように、ダンスと脱力系の中間みたいな音を好んで聴いた1年。相変わらず、イギリスの音楽が多かった。でも、2011年個人的ベストアルバム3位までが皆男性アーティストというのは、個人的には珍しいと思う。クラブやコンサートにほとんど行かずに過ごした1年で、音楽シーンからは遠ざかっていたかも。