Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Postmodernism Style and Subversion 1970–1990 at V&A

I went to postmodernism exhibition at V&A. Stuff displayed generally look quite horrendous. Interesting, nonetheless.

I'm not against weird shapes, being decorative, or use of overwhelming colors. In fact modern Dutch design (especially in the realm of product design and architecture) do exactly that, and I happen to be quite a fan of Dutch design. Then again, I'm pretty against postmodernism. I don't even know why that's the case and would like to know myself...

Without even knowing what the hell it is, I have always despised postmodernism, and yet I saw the works and names of the artists/designers I admire in the exhibition. From Koolhaas to Yokoo to Saville to Westwood and Kawakubo. I hoped to make sense of postmodernism after visiting this exhibition, but I suppose I still haven't.
