Monday, May 16, 2011

Bali, April 2011

My first time in South East Asia.
My first time riding on a motorcycle with three people.
My first time seeing people with a house without gas nor electricity.
My first time eating fried rice with my own hands.
My first time seeing male whores on streets.
If I think back about it now, a lot of things I've done there were things that I've done for the first time in my life. At the same time there isn't any single event that really surprised me. Indonesia was different but, the parts that I've seen at least, weren't dramatically different from Western or Japanese standard. In a sense that I am recommending it to my parents, who are definitely not up for crazy adventure.
Despite the differences, I did feel quite safe and comfortable being there. The country and people seem to be warm and relaxed, which sometimes required some patient waiting.

The time when I got D&AD result and my friend bought beer for us to celebrate together in the hotel room in Bali was certainly one of my highlights of the trip. Thank you friend.
I miss Bintang (Indonesian beer) and especially Frestea (Indonesian ice tea).
