Friday, May 20, 2011

Yava Poster and Magazine Advertising

So this is the typeface that I've been developing for the past few weeks. It is called Yava and looks like this:
All the capitals are funky and geometric and lowercases are simple and thin, so that you can mix and match depending on how funky or simple you want to be.
I've also produced a poster and a magazine ad, to promote the font. The idea behind them is to show many different ways you can spell a word by mixing the funky caps and simple lowercases.
The poster:

And the magazine ad:

People work differently but I personally prefer making different rough versions and illustrating any ideas to see what works and what doesn't. I try not to overwrite and I keep on creating new pages or new files just in case if I want to go back or compare, it's there. This kind of workflow was adopted at where I was interning (Agent Provocateur) and it's really good that it stuck with me. It's particularly helpful when you are showing it to your friends asking for some advice- they might actually like the design you once ditched. Again, I got good comments from Duarte and JT the day before the crit. Helped me a lot as usual. Thank you.
Followings are just some of the versions and ideas that I had before reaching the final ones above. I was initially going for the word LOVE and also had this crazy idea of using our tutor Phil Baines' face, showing how much we love him. At late night alone in front of a computer, it was funny. A day after it turned out that it wasn't that funny, so I didn't go with that idea. (But we still love you Phil.)

Full font coming available to download very soon!