Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spring Playlist 2011

I definitely don't think "No Music, No Life" applies to me, but perhaps "No Music, No Design Work Done" does. That stressful past week was helped greatly by some great music and I think that's worth thanking for.

1) The Strokes 'Angles'
It's a bit too happy-sounding for my personal liking, but in any case I've been constantly listening to it since its release. A lot of high pitch guitar sound throughout the album, which I love. 'Taken For A Fool' is my favorite track, oh and 'Machu Picchu'.
個々の曲が違ったアイディアでかなり異なっている割には、ポジティブで聴きやすい。あまり引っかかりがないなと思っていたけれど、なんだかんだ発売以来ずっと聴き続けている。'Taken For A Fool'はかなり好き。アルバム通して、ギターがキューンキュン鳴りまくっていてツボ。

2) Katy B 'On a Mission'
Another great young unpretentious female singer from England (others could include Lily Allen, Adele, Ellie Goulding, Duffy etc).
'On a Mission' single was in Annie Mac's compilation album and that's how I found out about Katy B. Her voice just works so well with dance music. There are so many dance music around but this album remained to be a bit different, although within the album all the songs pretty much have similar idea.
Lily Allen, Adele, Duffy, Ellie Gouldingときて、今年はKaty BとJessie Jと行った具合に、イギリスは才能のある若い(ちょっとぽっちゃり気味な)女性シンガーが毎年出て来る。

3) Metronomy 'English Riviera'
Metronomy completely nailed the texture in this album. I don't know how else to describe it. Its tactility just feels right.
Lately there are so many songs that sing the names of cities or places. It's a little silly but I often seem to like those songs too. I don't know why, it may to do with my love for traveling or I may portray a dream of visiting such places. Anyway 'The Bay' is my favorite track.
ノスタルジックで、メランコロニーで、美しいエレクトロニック・ミュージック。ダンス要素はほとんどなく派手さもゼロな、まったり脱力系。なんて書くと、ジャンルとしては違ってもthe XX, AIR, Passion Pitなんかも当てはまるのかもしれない。つまり飽きれちゃうほど、自分はこういう音楽が、どうしようもないくらいど真ん中。