Tuesday, January 24, 2012

OMA: Progress at Barbican

An exhibition about an architecture firm OMA is currently on at Barbican Centre.
People who know me well know that Rem Koolhaas, the founder of OMA is my recent big thing.

The film 'A Portrait of the Maison a Bordeaux from the Perspective of the House Keeper' that they played inside the exhibition made me laugh. It's a house that was designed for a man on a wheelchair, and the floor is like an elevator, it moves up and down. The first sequence of the film is so beautiful and so poetic,  a long shot of floor going slowly up with a house keeper lady. And then comes the film, where people constantly complain about the house and tackling all sorts of problem with it. 'It's too grey' 'The water leaks down from holes' etc etc...

Pay a visit to the exhibition if you haven't already, before it ends on 19th February. It's quite an interesting take on exhibition design with full of unusual ideas and it's worth going even just for that. But I will warn you graphic designers in advance that this show may upset (or perhaps piss off) some of you; a lot of Arial (but also Helvetica) in action. It was funny because they used both Arial and Helvetica, it became one of those spot-Arial games. To be really frank, Arial doesn't bother me too much, but I know it does to some of you. You've been warned...

And, Clara gave me a surprise gift today! It's Volume magazine, a project by Archis, AMO, and C-lab. A magazine where Rem Koolhaas is one of the founders. The magazine comes with a lot of goodies in a plastic case! WHAAA.

Thank you so much Clara for giving me a gift that I truly cherish, and have a great Chinese New Year everyone!



