Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reverse Entropy feat. Bomber Family

Entropy measures disorder. An example of what it means is that "you can turn an egg into an omelet, but you can’t turn an omelet into an egg" sort of idea. Egg has a small entropy (tidy) and omelet has a large entropy (messy). Confused? Better thorough explanation can be found on this Wired article.

Whatever the other fields of physics say about the relationship between past and future, it is instinctively weird to see future go to the past. Reversing a film is a simple technique, nothing so complicated about it and yet the outcome becomes utterly amusing.

Just as a little playful thing, I made this film out of the footage from Bomberman project. Gosh, messing with entropy is fun. Quite a rough edit the film is, but it's still a good fun to watch.