Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spring Playlist 2011 (part.2)

4) Lady Gaga 'Born This Way'
Musically, it's not a genius. How Lady Gaga has approached this album, however, is very interesting. I loved some songs and hated certain songs in the first album, but this album I don't seem to hate any. Difficult second album, tackled well.
She sings about freedom, equality and the never-give-up spirit. She sings for minorities. She uses different languages and sings about religion. There is something very American about those things, but at the same time she is definitely the worldwide superstar of today. Things might seem a little too consciously aimed, but I don't mind that too much yet. When you are so talented and vulnerable, bad adults with money tend to try and suck your talent up (like what happened to Michael Jackson or Britney Spears), but with Gaga you don't really need to worry about that. She's super independent. It's seriously great to see how one person's creativity can have this much effect on the world.
Oh and this album has a lot of 'Jesus' going on.
My favorite track? "Scheiße(DJ White Shadow Mugler)"!
自由と平等とチャレンジ精神を明るく歌い、あらゆるマイノリティーを味方につける歌詞。宗教用語や、何カ国語も混ざる歌詞。・・・というすごくアメリカ的な面と、今の時代の世界的スーパースター性の同居。ちょっと狙いすぎだと思ったりもするけれど、逆にこれくらい狙ってるくらいでいいのかもしれない。マイケルジャクソンや、Britney Spearsや、小室哲哉さんらのように、才能があるが故に悪い大人に搾取されたりする心配もないし、安心して見ていれる。そういう意味でやはり彼女はどこまでもマドンナに近い。たったひとりの人間のクリエイティビティーでここまでやれるんだーというのはちょっと感動もの。

5) Friendly Fires 'Pala'
Friendly Fires got matured. Musically this album has the same sort of concept as the former, but it's much deeper and broader. How they've gotten matured as people had directly been reflected on to the music. Happy, afro, colorful, dancing album, great for the summer.
I'm just in love with the frist track of the album "Live Those Days Tonight", I can't even properly listen to the rest...
「Friendly Fires大人になったなー!」という印象のセカンドアルバム。衝動的で若い子の恋愛そのままなファーストもそれはそれで可愛くて勢いがあって好きだったのだけれど、このセカンドの大人になった感じもすごい嬉しい。キラキラで、アフロちっくで、カラフルで、高揚感のメロディーライン・・・と前作の流れをそのまま継承しつつ、同じことをやっているのに、広がりと深みが増して成長が見れる。とにかく"Live Those Days Tonight"が名曲過ぎて、永遠リピートしていて、先に進めない。夏にもぴったりの音楽。